Yuille Park Community College is a Child Safe School.
Yuille Park Community College is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people.
Yuille Park Community College is a multi- campus school providing an innovative curriculum, based around an inquiry approach to learning.
Students work in learning communities in multiage groups building relationships and participating in a range of programs designed to provide collaborative learning opportunities.
Yuille Park Community College provides a rich and nurturing learning environment that engages students to develop lifelong learning skills in an atmosphere of cooperation, challenge and respect.
Teachers work together in learning teams, teaching in a more collaborative and flexible way where students are more involved in what, when and how they learn.
Yuille Park Community College reflects and sustains the Wendouree West communities’ commitment to the development of lifelong learning skills for students and the community.

Yuille Park Community College Learning Qualities:
desire to succeed risk taking independence

Yuille Park Community College strive for the personal attributes of:
Respect for others and self